Monday, 5 May 2014


So, I have written blogs before but they're cringy and gross - hopefully this one will not be going down the same direction!

The reason for this blog: It's recommended that students wishing to study an Art or Design subject at University (degree level) should write a blog outlining their progress throughout a project.

I'm not yet at university. I am studying my ALevels (A2) as a second year, thus I'm 18 and SHOULD be starting university in September. However, as I am studying Art & Design, I - along with other creative practitioners - are recommended to do a Foundation year before starting their degree.

Yes, this sucks. I have to do an extra year in FE (Further Education) while all my friends (non art/design friends that is) would be starting their BA Degree.

On this foundation course (Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, to be exact), students get the opportunity to explore the Art and Design field in more depth before committing to a particular area of expertise. I do think this would be a great opportunity though, as even though I know I want to study Graphic Design, I think it would be brilliant just to dip my toes back into fashion as I haven't studied it for a while now, and I am certainly interested in the other creative fields such as architecture etc.

Anyway, off topic!
When you DO get around to your degree (I will be starting my BA in September 2015) you're required/recommended to create a blog.
Even though I'm a little be premature on this, I would rather begin early so that I'm used to the world of blogging at this stage, rather than when I'm adjusting to a whole new life at uni!

So ta-da! Welcome to my blog!