No. Personally I do not believe that originality exists. If you recycle old materials, things that exist, to create something new, is that really creating something new or just recycling existing items? For example, you can not create new energy. Energy exists and is already there, for example you can transfer energy from potential to kinetic energy, but you are not creating something original; just transferring energy.
I feel like that ideology can be applied anywhere. Items, materials, ideas etc. already exist; if they didn't then you wouldn't have anything to create something from - thus, you are only transferring or recycling existing items into something 'new' but not something original.
With this idea in mind, I am going to create a product that represents my conclusion.
Through research, I am interested to see if my belief changes, or if I still feel the same way at the close of the project. I currently have no idea how I am going to respond to this in terms of outcome, so I am excited to see what my mind comes up with! Through influences of existing things of course.
Jumble of my thoughts in my brain that possibly make zero sense to the outer world (welcome to the interior of my mind):
- Original elements that EVERYTHING is made up of.
Metaphorical Representation: Earth, wind, fire, air.
Metaphorical Representation: Earths structure: core, mantle, crust.
-Maybe I could focus on the idea of everything being transferred from one existence (physical or otherwise) to another.
-Maybe if it came from another galaxy. It would be new and original to Earth, but not original in terms of the universe.
-Is this philosophy? looking at the outer world? Science, astronomy, psychology.
-Our minds subconsciously absorb everything, so all thoughts, ideas and images are just a reinvention or abstracted version of something that you have previously experienced. While to physically create something, you are just transferring or recycling existing atoms into a different form.
-Create something that displays all of the 'original' things things (that we know of).
-Periodic table.