Welcome to my updated blog! Wow it's been a while, eh?
I used post regular content but for the last year or so since starting my BA Graphic Design course, I had been feeling deflated and like my creative work had lost it's... well, creativity, along with my spark.

I think I lost my balance between creating 'art' for me, and creating content for clients. I misplaced my love for what I do, and as a result of that I feel like I haven't truly been myself. My tutors even called me quiet - ME?! QUIET?! (I would love for my past teachers/tutors to be reading this, they would have a right laugh at how incorrect that statement is!)
My issue is that I blur the line of Graphic Design. I don't create posters and commercial art just for the sake of it. I like my work to have depth and meaning; to branch out into other subjects to explore different studies: science, psychology, sociology, politics... You name it, and I will demonstrate an opinion through my fine art-ly inspired graphics. Unfortunately this isn't entirely how the real world of graphic design works, or what I felt I could indulge in during my first year of uni, so that part of me began to get buried under all of my requested projects.
Thankfully, this academic year, briefs have been entirely open. I can go off independently and tackle the brief and topic in anyway that I see fit, and can expose issues and explore ideologies.
Anyway, I hope you will forgive me, my little blog of brain-vomit, and I hope to post to you more regularly with love-filled work and updates.