The most recent experimentation I have done, is the creation of this take on a Constructivism poster. Using the 3D letters again, I piled each character on top of each other, so that they merge together in a 2D image, making it difficult to see the differences - in fact, we should over-look the differences. I took inspiration from current day magazine covers, and used a traditional font, Baskerville. Using red geometric shapes over a grey scale image is typical within a Constructivist style, and also symbolic due to the colour choice. I used Kremlin type face to communicate 'SAY NO TODISCRIMINATION' as I feel that the font is a very harsh font, as opposed to gentle, and thus brings out the hardness within discrimination - also, as the font resembles the Russian alphabet, this further emphasises Constructivism. I left the Kick It Out logo green, as it works well as a complimentary colour to the red and add a sense of friendliness and less 'serious' approach.
Continuing with my 3D 'WHORE' letters and my exploration with light and shadow, I created a a possible poster design. I used Photoshop effects from the Filter Gallery in order to create a 'rainy window' appearance; thus producing a gloomy and depressing aesthetic due to the black and white combination. I utilised the text "WOMEN'S RIGHTS. EQUAL RIGHTS. SAY NO TO DISCRIMINATION. YES YES TO DIVERSITY.". The short, sharp sentences ensure that the information is concise and straight to the point. I experimented with typefaces such as American Typewriter and also Kremlin, and made the font size small as I wanted the image to be the communicator.

Inspired by the following advertisements: 1 and 2, I decided I wanted to create a series of short adverts which could pop up at the beginning of each advertisement interval of a tv show, almost like a programme sponsor. I began by choosing appropriate type, and finally settled with an 'imperfect' typeface. Using this font, I generated a stencil out of card. I filmed footage around London through the cut out letters of the stencil - this enabled the diversity and movements of London to show through the letters, as a unique and interesting way to capture the footage. I branded the short clips after editing with a distressed typeface 'KICKITOUT.ORG Say no to discrimination'. Again, I wanted to be straight to the point and very concise.
I also used the stencil in order to spray print designs, I am still in the process of working on this piece