After the complication of having to work on three panels as opposed to a whole wall, I have now come to the conclusion that it may have been a better solution. I have been able to move the boards around while drawing and writing so that I can access the space from all angles - this would have been very problematic if I was working on a still surface such as a wall.
Before I worked directly onto the boards, I decided to make a plan using my sketches from my sketchbook and PhotoShop. The initial intention was to use my sketchbook only as a way of documenting my memories in an alternative note form, however I ended up liking the appearance of the pages so I scanned them into PhotoShop (PS), and laid each scene out onto a scaled down canvas page on PS. Doing this allowed me to play around with composition, negative space and layout. I came up with three possible layout ideas, and I used the preference of others to help me to chose my final design. I asked others as sometimes, I find you can be too close to your work to make appropriate decisions as other factors may contribute and cause you to be biased against a particular design, which may not have been the better option, such as time consumption.

So far I am happy with how the design is coming to life, however due to tweaking in the previous stage, I now have some unintentional negative space. I am thinking of filling this space with photographic memories, detailed drawings and alternative medias in order to add textures, a range of mediums and to manipulate the spectators attention.

So far, I feel like this is progressing well, and I will be happy with the final outcome despite the problems and complications.