Monday, 14 July 2014

From a girl who can't paint...

 "I can not paint." All throughout my AS course in Graphic Design, I would have a BF over the fact that we were forced to use water colour paints, and not pencils.I am a drawer. I do not get on well with paints. Especially watercolour as I do not have the patience for them.

I never took painting seriously. I would just paint well enough so that it got me a good grade and that's that. There's only around 4 paintings that I have ever taken seriously: My 2 Vogue paintings, my VEGAN painting, and now this painting.

So yes. I have only ever taken 4 paintings seriously - and in each one you can see dramatic improvements.
I began this piece last night, and completed it this morning.

I'm lazy and so, I didn't even set up my easel or move my iMac. I just had the A3 watercolour pad hanging off the edge of the desk onto my lap.

Artwork Name: Mila
Size: 390 x 270mm 
Mediums: Winsor and Newton watercolour paints, 
Crawford & Black 230gsm Watercolour paper and 
Derwent charcoal pencil in dark. 
Date created: 13th/14th July 2014

Despite all my 'I CAN'T PAINT. I HATE PAINTING' BFs, I'm pretty impressed with how this came out. My 4th ever serious watercolour illustration. Not to mention that the image is a challenging image to begin with - darn feathers! Anyway, here's some more photos - enjoy!